WB 24.6.24
This week in PSHE, we read the book "Mixed" for our No Outsiders lesson. Here is some of the amazing work Year 5 produced:
WB 17.6.24
In Year 5 this week, we used fruit and vegetables to produce Tudor Art:
WB 3.6.24
Welcome back everyone to the last half term of year 5! Where has that time gone?
It will be a busy term to end year 5. Here is a brief summary of what we will be covering:
In English, our book is Treason by Berlie Doherty and we will explore different genres around this book.
In Maths, we begin with negative numbers and then move onto measures of length, mass and capacity.
In PE, we will be learning rounders and athletics skills.
In Science, we continue with Animals and Humans and have Science week as well.
In RE, we continue to look at the Hindu faith and in History, our final topic is the Tudors. We are all very excited about this and we go on our trip next week which is based on this topic.
In PSHE, we look at our final unit of "Changing Me" and all parents and carers should have received a letter with information about this.
It should be a great final half term. Thank you for your continued support.
WB 20.5.24
This week it was Cedar class's turn to produce adverts about activities on offer at the Grand Canyon. We discussed how its landscape is utilised for tourism.
WB 13.5.24
In Geography, Cedar class investigated the wildlife in the desert biome of the Grand Canyon. They produced amazing posters.:
Then in Cypress class, they looked at the Human Geography of the Grand Canyon and created adverts about the leisure pursuits on offer:
WB 29.4.24
In English this week, the children wrote a new chapter for Wild Boy. They used descriptive language and tried really hard to use their targets. They produced some amazing writing:
In Maths, we reflected shapes in lines of symmetry:
WB 22.4.24
This week in Science, we completed our topic on life cycles by exploring famous naturalists. Here is some of our work:
In D.T., the children used Feng Shui to design a bedroom. Their designs were amazing:
WB 15.4.23
Welcome back for our final term of year 5! We can't believe how the time has flown.
This term, we will be covering the following:
In Maths, we begin with shape and then move onto plotting co-ordinates.
In English, we will read the book "Wild Boy" and concentrate on descriptive writing.
In Science, we continue with Life cycles and then move onto reproduction in animals in more detail.
In D.T., we are looking at Chinese inventions which should be interesting.
In R.E., we will investigate Hinduism.
Then in P.E. the children will be having lessons in Tennis and Athletics.