This week the children got their mock SATS papers returned and found out how they did.
We have discussed with the children how it is important to rest in the holidays, so we shouldn't be doing as much work as in school, however, it is good to keep our brains 'ticking over' and we can do this by doing very small bit of work regularly.
A number of children asked for the '10 for 10' worksheets in SPAG, Maths and Reading. These are 10 minute activities per day for 10 days. If your child did not bring the work home you can download the packs below.
The answer packs are also provided below so the children can see if they are correct or work out where they went wrong.
We wish you a very happy Easter and look forward to seeing you in April!
Week Beginning 18th March
We have really been enjoying learning about light in Science this half term.
This week we have been learning about Isaac Newton discovering that light was made of up different colours.
We created our own colour wheels, when we spun them they looked white!


Week starting 11th March
In Geography this half term we have been exploring the countries of Scandinavia. Last week we compared the climates of different cities of Scandinavia and this week we thought about the physical features, including: fjords, glaciers, mountains and waterfalls.

Week Beginning 4th March
For the last two weeks we heave bene learning about Philippe Petit and his death-defying tightrope walk between the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in 1974.
We started by trying to recreate the feeling of having to balance for so long by balancing on apparatus in the hall. We were very relieved that the drop to the floor was less than a metre rather than the 411 metres that Phillippe was above the ground.
We did a lot of research into Philippe's life in preparation for writing a biography on him in our independent writing.
You can see the start of our biographies below.

Week beginning 26th February
We have started our new topic of Light this week in Science. We enjoyed learning about natural and man made sources of light and how shadows are formed. We also made shadow puppets using our hands and torches.
Week Beginning 12th February
In Science we have been looking at Renewable and Non-renewable energy. We made informative posters in our Science books to show off our knowledge.
Week Beginning 5th February
We enjoyed celebrating Children's Mental Health Week on Monday by participating in a variety of activities designed to improve our mental health. One of our favourites was meditation and yoga with Mrs Wilson.
In PSHE we had to give praise and recognise the achievments of others. We wrote down what we thought people were good at on post-it notes and gave it to them. It made us feel happy and positive. It's always nice to hear a compliment!
Week Beginning 29th January
We continued our exploration of David Hockney's art by trying to recreate his picture "Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures)" using pastels. It was messy work but we enjoyed it!

Week Beginning 22nd January
We have been learning about famous artists in art this half term. We have already looked at the art of Romero Britto and how he combines elements of cubism, pop art, and graffiti painting in his work, using vibrant colors and bold patterns as a visual expression of hope, dreams, and happiness.
This week we have looked at David Hockney, an important contributor to the pop art movement of the 1960s, and considered to be one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century. We analysed his picture of his parents and tried to recreate one of his famous landscapes using his style of drawing.
Week Beginning 15th January
In maths this week and last week we have been looking at ratio. We enjoyed getting the multilink cubes out and creating our own ratios using two colours of cubes. Then we moved on to scale factors and enlarging shapes using scale factors.
(e.g. a square with sides of 2cm would have sides of 8cm when enlarged by a scale factor of 4.)

Week Beginning 8th January
This week we had a talk from Arc Theatre run by Epping Forest District Council.
They came and spoke to us about online safety. We learnt about the following things:
- We need to be at least 13 to have a social media account and there is a new law coming in which means users of accounts will have to prove their age otherwise their account will be removed.
- What PEGI stood for and how they rate games, including the ratings of some games and why they are rated for that age.
- How easy it is for people online to disguise who they really are. We were particularly saddened by the story of Breck Bednar, who was murdered in 2015 aged 14, by someone he had been chatting to for a year in an online game.
There was also an excellent drama where two 'Year 10 children' were faced with a tricky situation when one of them was planning to meet someone they had been chatting to in an online game. The actors asked children for ideas for what they should do. the children had excellent ideas and knew exactly what to do.
Please take time this week to chat with your child about online safety and the games they play and social media they may access online.