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White Bridge Primary School

White Bridge

Primary School

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Week Beginning 08.07.24


Creating Persuasive Advertisements for Modern Rome


This week, as we bring our ancient Rome topic to a close and explore Rome in its modern context, we have been diligently working on creating persuasive advertisements to encourage people to visit this historic city. Using Chromebooks, we researched famous landmarks in Rome to gather essential information. We then transformed this research into an engaging two-page spread advertisement, incorporating striking images, modal verbs, persuasive vocabulary, and various language techniques. Through this project, we not only learned about the rich history and culture of Rome but also honed our skills in digital literacy and persuasive writing.


Week Beginning: 1.7.24


Ancient Roman Workshop

We had the exciting opportunity to take part in our Ancient Roman workshop today. Our History helper was Cath Hammond who brought along a variety of interesting artefacts from The Epping Forest Museum. We learnt about a real life Roman villa which used to be in the Aybridge area.

Archaeological digs discovered many  objects which helped build a picture of how wealthy Romans lived. We even got to examine a real life roof tile featuring a small paw print which is easily 2,023 years old!

It was great to learn about the many rooms in a Roman villa and how many Latin words have impacted the language we use today. 


Thank you to all the families for contributing the money for us to arrange the workshop.


Week Beginning: 24.6.24

Amazing Multiplication Check Scores


We couldn't be more proud of our amazing Year 4 students.

Our MTC scores have been out of this world!

Well done for working so hard on learning your times tables.

This is wonderful knowledge which will support you for many years to come.


It is for this reason that we have awarded both Lime and Whitebeam Class our stars this week!


Well done!


Week Beginning 17.6.24

Roman Shields

This week we put the final touches to our Roman shields. They now replicate the original shields of the Roman army. We used silver paint to make the central boss really stand out.

We can’t wait to take them home!


Week beginning 10.06.24

This week in Science, we had fun learning about how sound travels by making string telephones. We discovered that sound gets quieter as the distance from the source increases and travels as vibrations through particles. Our string telephones showed that sound travels better through the solid string than through the air, a gas. When one person talks into their cup, the sound energy passes along the string because the closely packed particles in the solid string allow vibrations to travel quickly and easily. These vibrations then pass through the air particles to the second person’s ear, making the sound louder through the string than through the air over the same distance.




Week Beginning 20.05.24

Science - exploring how to change the pitch of a sound


This week, we explored the fascinating world of sound and pitch! We crafted our own musical instruments from rubber bands, water glasses, and plastic bottles filled with rice. Through observation and experimentation, we discovered how different materials and features affect the pitch of a sound. We learned that generally, the shorter, tighter or thinner the object is, the higher the pitch of the sound will be. This is because the vibrations will be faster. The longer, looser or thicker the object is, the lower the pitch of the sound will be. This is because the vibrations will be slower.



Week Beginning 13.5.24

Design and Technology- Roman Shields


This week we had messy fun making a start to our Roman shields. Firstly we had to create our card templates and then we used newspaper to create the central boss/ umbo which will be on the front. The next stage was Modroc where we completely covered the shield and got messy smoothing down the plaster! Our final job will be to paint our shields in order for them to replicate the original Roman shields of that era. We look forward to sharing our finished work with you.

 Week beginning: 6.5.24


Pizza Express Outing


Both Year 4 classes had the wonderful opportunity of visiting Pizza Express in Loughton.

This was an opportunity to learn all about how pizza is made and to enjoy a walk in our local area as part of our geography unit of work.

The staff were very kind and explained the process of making dough and then adding toppings to create pizza. Everyone got to make a delicious margarita pizza which was thoroughly enjoyed by all! 

    A big thank you to Pizza Express for this great opportunity. 


Week Beginning 29.04.24


We have spent the last few weeks working on our Ancient Rome projects, where we researched and explored lots of different aspects of Ancient Rome such as Roman art and mosaics, Roman military, architectural landmarks from Ancient Rome, Mythology and Gods and many more. We then displayed our reserach through posters and models which we have enjoyed welcoming into school this week. Today we spent some special time sharing and celebrating our completed work. It was great fun looking at each other's finished pieces!

Week Beginning: 22.4.24

Music with Rock Steady

We had the best fun in our music assembly and workshop with Rock Steady. Ross was our music  teacher for the morning and he taught us all about different musical instruments such as the keyboard, drums and guitar. We got to join in with lots of songs and even had a go at playing some instruments ourselves!

We are very much looking forward to Rock Steady visiting our school again. 

Week Beginning 15.4.24

Science: Circuits and  Conductors

Using switches to create a circuit.


This week we explored switches and we learned that switches break or complete electrical circuits and in doing  so turn appliances off or on. When the switch is open, the  electrical current cannot flow around the circuit so the  appliance turns off. When the switch is closed, the circuit is  completed and the current can flow again, causing the  appliance to turn on. We then explored different switches and had a go at creating our own using classroom items such as paper clips.