This week we starting learning about multiplication in maths, focusing on multiplying by 3, 4 and 8.
In English we have been writing our own poems based off of the story ‘Escape from Pompeii’ we had to make sure to use exciting adjectives to make our poems mor interesting. We even had a chance to perform our poems, our teachers were very impressed at how confident we were.
In DT we continued making our volcano models which we have really enjoyed making. We tried to make them look as realistic as possible.
This week we created a poppy wreath in remembrance of the people who sacrificed their lives for our country. We also did a 2-minute silence on Friday and felt proud wearing our poppies.
In English, we have been planning to write our own fables taking inspiration from The Ant and The Grasshopper. We have changed the animals and their human characteristics to make the fable our own.
In Maths, we have been learning to add using column addition when crossing 10s and 100s, next week we start subtraction, we need lots of practice to make sure we do not make mistakes! We focused on the 10 times table in our times table lesson this week and have been enjoying the weekly times table races.
Along with learning all about volcanoes in Geography, we are so excited to be making a volcano model in Design and Technology. This week we planned how we will make it including what tools and materials we will need and wrote instructions which we will use to make the model. For our project we need 10 cardboard boxes to create the volcanoes inside - Please can you bring in any if you have any you do not want.
Finally, we have really been enjoying practicing our Christmas songs in class and assembly, letters were handed out this week for us to perform at the Christmas Fete.
Please make sure your children are engaging with TTRS (Times Table Rock Stars) at home, this will really help their times table fluency and help them to work towards times table certificates.
This half term we are starting our times table races! On Fridays we are now learning a times table a week and playing different games to build up our times table fluency. We really enjoyed playing times table table tennis, buzz off hairy legs and testing each other with flash cards.
In English we have started learning about fables. We have explored The Ant and The Grasshopper. We particularly liked retelling the story this week as we loved acting and working as a group. We are excited to start making our own fables!
We were lucky enough to have a visit from Epping Forest District Museum on Wednesday where we explored some artefacts from the Stone Age. We learned about what prehistoric Britain was like through the different objects such as a mammoth tusk and tooth. We felt like real archaeologists!
In English we have started planning for a Stone Age Story which will be the first piece of work to go up on our Wow Wall. We enjoyed creating scenes and characters using adjectives.
This week in English, we made a story map for ‘The Stone Age Boy’ which helped us to retell the story orally. We all enjoyed retelling the story to the rest of the class. Our teachers were really impressed with our confidence and fluency.
In maths we began learning addition and subtraction using our knowledge of number bonds to add and subtract. We had a lesson in the playground doing ‘active maths’ where we had to work in pairs to problem solve!
In music we created a soundscape for a story using instruments. We learnt about changing the tone and rhythm of the music to reflect the tone of each part of the story.
Continuing on our topic of the Stone Age, this week in English, we have been planning and writing a diary entry in the shoes of the Stone Age Boy - a book we have read.
In Maths, we finished our topic of place value ready to begin addition and subtraction next week, including column method!
In Art and Design, we have been taking inspiration from Stone Age cave art to experiment with scale and different mediums. We drew some British animals using charcoal and had lots of fun trying different techniques such as blending with our fingers. We also learned about the types of images Stone Age people drew which reflected their lifestyle.
This week in Year 3 we have started learning about the Stone Age, which is our topic for this term. To explore how people in the Paleolithic Age made tools, we tried carving soap. We discovered that this would not have been easy, since it was difficult and time consuming. Some of us shaped our soap into animals as Stone Age people often included animals in their art.